Catechism Memorization for April 7

Middle School Memory Work:

Q1. What fruit does a saving faith in Jesus produce?

A. Saving faith produces good works.

Q2. How can we know which works are good in God’s sight?

A. God approves works which are done in faith and in obedience to His law.

Q3. What is God’s law?

A. God’s law is His rule for our lives, briefly stated in the Ten Commandments.

Q4. Can we keep that law perfectly?

A. No, every day we still find sin in our lives.

Q5. What must we do when we see such sin in us?

A. We must again turn to God and ask to be forgiven for Jesus’ sake.

High School Memory Work:

Q1. What does God forbid in the sixth commandment?

A. God forbids not only murder but also the roots of murder, such as envy, hatred and desire of revenge. (Matthew 5:21, 22)

Q2. How does God restrain killing in this present world?

A. God has instituted government and given it authority to punish evildoers and to promote the welfare of those who do good.

Q3. What does the seventh commandment require?

A. That since my body and soul are temples of the Holy Spirit, I must keep both pure. Therefore God forbids all unclean acts, gestures, words, thoughts and desires. (Hebrews 13:4)

Q4. Why does God mention only adultery here?

A. Adultery is the most grievous form of this sin, by which marriage as the symbol of Christ’s union with his church is destroyed. (Ephesians 5:32)

Q5. What is forbidden in the eighth commandment?

A. Here God forbids all deceit and robbery, by which we try to take our neighbor’s goods for ourselves. (Deuteronomy 25:13, 16)

Q6. Against what does the ninth commandment warn?

A. It warns not only against false witness but also against all lies, slander and backbiting as the proper works of the devil. (John 8:44)